Event Details


Koncert metalové královny TARJI TURUNEN „In The Raw“ 2x v ČR!

Své vysoce hodnocené aktuální album „In The Raw“ nám tak TARJA představí v České republice na podzim 2022!

Nové termíny koncertů pro PARDUBICE a BRNO jsou:
28. 10. 2022 BRNO, Sono Centrum
29. 10. 2022 PARDUBICE, Ideon
Všechny zakoupené vstupenky stále platí i pro nová data koncertů a jejich výměna není nutná.

Osmé studiové sólo album TARJI „In the Raw“, vyšlo 30. srpna 2019, a TARJA na něm spojila své síly s dalšími metalovými zpěváky, jako jsou např. zpěvák Soilwork Björn "Speed" Strid, Tommy Karevik z Kamelot či Cristina Scabbia z Lacuna Coil. Strid se podílel na skladbě „Dead Promises“, vokály Scabbii lze slyšet v písni „Goodbye Stranger“ a Karevik zpívá v songu „Silent Masquerade“. Deska „In the Raw“ jasně ukazuje, jak dobrý může Symphonic Metal být, když se opravdu umí, když jsou vokální výkony dovedené k naprosté dokonalosti, texty písní všestranné, aranžmá jednotlivých songů maximálně promyšlená a celková produkce alba prostě vynikající.

TARJA odtajnila i své dva speciální hosty na turné. Je to norské rockové trio ABAKAS, kteří přináší něco nového, vzrušujícího, ale taky rozpoznatelného, inspirovaného The Beatles, Black Sabbath a Blue Öyster Cult. V jejich tvorbě ožívají hrdinové naší moderní doby a stávají se tak legendami. Druhým speciálním hostem je anglická kapela SERPENTYNE, která je kombinací staré keltské hudby, folku, world music a rocku. V posledních letech směřuje jejich tvorba k více metalovému zvuku.

Zní to všechno velmi zajímavě, a tak se určitě vyplatí si na tyto live koncerty TARJI počkat! Čeká vás unikátní kombinace sofistikované a rafinované orchestrální hudby, pěveckých sborů a Tarjin klasicky trénovaný hlas s hrubým, temným heavy jádrem a koncerty dvou zajímavých kapel ABAKAS a SERPENTYNE.

Line up

19:00 otevření sálů
20:00 - 20:30 Abakas
20:45 - 21:15 Serpentyne
21:45 - 23:15 TARJA

Event rules

  • No money refund is possible once the ticket is paid.
  • Ticket forgery is illegal and punished according to the law!
  • Children older than 3 need their own ticket. Kid under 12 is allowed into area only when accompanied by an adult.
  • Ticket = wristband. With it you can leave and re-enter the venue at any anytime. Once you take it off or lose it, you will not be able to re-enter the venue! All persons without wristband on hand will be immediately taken out!
  • Ticket for wristband exchange will take place at entrance to venue.
  • Organizers take no responsibility for any health / personal belongings damages caused during show.
  • It is strictly forbidden to bring drinks, plastic bottles, glass bottles, cans, seats, chairs, various footpads including polystyrene or wooden "cubes", as well as any weapons, knives, scissors, flag poles, umbrelas and other things classified by staff as dangerous! The organizer reserves the right to personal security check in a manner permissible by law at any time! Person refusing to consent to such check will be refused entry or escorted out.
  • It is strictly forbidden to bring tape recorders or video cameras to the area! Violation of this rule could be classified as a crime!
  • Taking photos is allowed only on compact cameras without additional lenses. Only accredited photographers and journalists are allowed to bring professional cameras onto the premises!
  • Organizer and artists reserve the right to film, video and TV recording of concert shows and event atmosphere. Visitor recorded for the document may also be published without further notice with no financial compensation.
  • The beer is tapped into reusable cups with eyelet for attachment. A refundable deposit is 70 CZK. Cups are exchanged within purchase of another beer or could be returned. Promotional cups can be also available in the event shop. But for hygiene reasons you don't receive beer into this cups which you bought in event shop.
  • The only currency valid within the event area is CZK (Czech Crown). No dogs or other animals are allowed in event area!
  • All visitors must respect these rules and instructions as well as those given out by organizers and security services!
  • Ban of bringing beverages to the VIP balcony (if is availible). Except for beverages in sealable PET bottles. Please, lock your bags and coats up (if is availible).
  • By entering the event, the visitor declares that he/she meets the conditions of the current government hygiene and anti-epidemic measures. Please follow czech covid portal. (https://covid.gov.cz/situace/kultura/kocnerty)
  • The organiser reserves the right to give instructions to the event participants in order to maintain the safety and smooth running of the event, to change the conditions stated with immediate effect if necessary, to change the programme and its content, including the performers, in the event of unforeseen events such as weather conditions, accidents, health conditions of the performers, etc.
  • The Organiser may order the evacuation of the venue (area) in case of suspected danger to the health of the participants or the Organiser's property, such as natural disaster, terrorist attack, without any compensation for damage or loss of profit to the participant